Case Studies

Don’t take our word for it. Check out our case studies below to see what some of our clients have to say about working with us, and how we’ve improved results and grown their profit.

We Don’t Make Mistakes Anymore

DC Laudin Farms operates a grain and oilseeds farm in the Red River Valley. The farm grows a variety of crops including cereals, canola, soybeans and perennial rye grass. Dave also co-chairs Manitoba Ag Days, one of Canada’s largest indoor farm shows.

Antara helps Dave with crop and fertility planning to help maximize his input dollars. Antara also acts as a 2nd set of eyes in the field to help monitor crop progress and time field operations. Participating in our benchmarking and on -farm peer groups, David has been able to network with other like-minded producers.

“Having a 2nd set of eyes with Antara’s experience gives me the confidence that we are making the best choices. It’s hard to beat quality, unbiased advice. Working with Antara we have developed a wheat program that has consistently delivered phenomenal yields for us!”

– David Laudin, DC Laudin Farms

agronomy crop scouting in field

I Can Count on Antara to Do it Right

Nutrien is a North American manufacturer and retailer of crop input and fertilizer products.

Antara helped Mitch collect replicated field scale data on seed safety for their recently launched MAP/MST fertilizer product. Antara helped develop protocols and find producers willing to host the trials. Antara’s involvement in every step of the project from planning to harvest made the process seamless for Nutrien. 3rd party data provided by Antara gives their customers confidence in the results.

“Antara looks after everything from finding hosts, planning protocols, collecting data right through to preparing reports. Producers place a lot of trust in their 3rd party work. Antara has a track record of delivering quality results”

– Mitch Poiron, Nutrien Ag Solutions Ltd.

A Great Crop Requires A Great Start

Top 5 Factors to Preparing a Proper Seedbed booklet
By following the guidelines in our Top 5 Factors to Preparing a Proper Seedbed booklet, you will be ensuring that you will be on the right path to building healthy, resilient soils and are giving your crops the best start possible.

They Treat My Farm as if it Were Their Own

Jeff Hamblin runs a grain and oilseeds operation just outside of Morris, Manitoba. Jeff is a progressive grower who was already doing a lot of his own research trials before he started working with Antara.

Jeff values and trusts the local, unbiased knowledge provided by Antara’s years of experience working in the Red River Valley. He sees tremendous value in local field-scale, replicated research produced through Antara’s On-Farm Research Network. Jeff calls on Antara for agronomy advice when he needs a 2nd opinion on his fields.

I know that the information I receive from Antara is unbiased. I trust their OFRN data because it has been done locally and it’s properly replicated. When they make a recommendation they treat my farm as if it were their own.

– Jeff Hamblin

I’m Keeping More Money In My Pocket

Jeremie operates a grain and specialty crop farm in the Red River Valley of Manitoba. The farm grows cereals, canola corn and soybeans and alfalfa. Along with crop production, Jeremie is also partner in a custom baling operation.

Jeremie sees tremendous value in the unbiased agronomy advice offered by Antara. Jeremie relies on Antara to help with crop and fertility planning, field scouting and crop input recommendations. During one of the recent dry spells, he was able to realize a substantial savings on fungicides following Antara’s recommendations. 

“With Antara’s unbiased advice, I am applying my input dollars more efficiently and I have the freedom to source my crop input products from a wider range of retails, keeping more money in my pocket.”

– Jeremie Lussier, Lussier Farms Ltd.

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Your on Farm Estimate

Antara Insights Makes Planning Easy.

Erich Vetter operates Plum River Farms in St Jean, Manitoba. The farm grows corn, cereal grains, oilseeds and soybeans.

Coming from a European farming background where farm management peer groups are more common, Erich values the record keeping and benchmarking data generated by participating in the Antara Insights program. Erich also participates in Antara’s On-Farm Research Network and relies on us to provide unbiased, agronomy advice in the field when needed.

I really like Antara’s soil test summaries and nutrient balance sheets which make long term fertility and crop rotation planning easy.  If I am going to pay for agronomy services, I prefer to pay for unbiased advice.

– Erich Vetter

farm plot map agronomy

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